Monday, August 2, 2010

Lurking In The Basement

Isn't this a fabulous idea??!!! Leftover Drawers are EASY to find around! My husband, being a romodeler by trade always has scraps leftover, so a piece of plywood shouldn't be hard to come across!

Guest post-On Hollyhock Farm


..........are some huge drawers from a bathroom reno back some 5 yrs ago. Hubby wanted to throw them in the trash but I said NOOOOO! Then I blurted out the old junkers' addage..." I'll do something with 'em, just don't touch 'em!!". You know the saying, you all said it! So I finally came up with a project I could use one drawer for. A giant ottoman/coffee table!!! Always wanted one,but could never afford one. So cut out a piece of plywood for the top, found some leftover foam from a previous project, bought some fabric and a few decorations and went to town!

Gluing foam to plywood...( along with my fingers..)
Glued on a decorative piece I found at a yard sale....
Top's on................and hinged for more storage.
Now the feet ,which were table legs off a table I dissected........
and cut up, attached............and..................TAA DAA!

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